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onsdag 11 februari 2009

Zimbabwe of the North


Just as the "veterans" are given a free hand in Zimbabwe in order to intimidate the opposition, and reminiscent of the way the SA was used by Hitler to scare people who opposed the Nazis' march to power, the violent extreme left in Sweden can beat up a member of an immigration critical party with impunity.

Never mind "I may hate your opinions but am willing to die for your right to express them", or "first they came for the nationalists, but I was no nationalist", et cetera - no, the Swedish government has not ONCE condemned the repeated violence by leftist extremists against democratically elected representatives for the immigration critical Sweden Democrats. Neither has any Swedish parliamentarian done so - except one from the Liberal Party, who urged our minister of democracy, Nyamko Sabuni, to fight the nationalists with arguments, and condemn the attack on democratic rights by the extreme Left.

Actually, the extreme Left has even attacked the Liberal Party and the middle-of-the-road Center Party, but not even those attacks have caused our parliamentarians to condemn them. Neither an attempt to bomb McDonalds.

The most common explanation is that members of the extreme Left have upper middle and upper class backrounds. Are spoiled brats, the children of old revolutionary journalists (Gramsci's "long march through the institutions") and that they have many sympathizers within the MSM. Yes, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if some of these latter day Baader Meinhof-gangsters are sons and daughters of some parliamentarians.

A much worse explanation would be, that the establishment secretly applauds the leftist violence, since they are afraid of the growing strength of the Sweden Democrats.
And, yes, one Swedish-Kurdish parliamentarian expressed satisfaction that the Sweden Democrats could find no room for their yearly conference - according to once source, but I haven't been able to find a link to the TV programme where she is supposed to have said it, so it may be untrue.

Of course an attempt the other day to kill a leader of the National Democrats, a party to the right of the Sweden Democrats, will not bring about a change in the attitude to the extreme left's violence from our government.

Sort of reminds you of the murders of Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh, doesn't it?

Fear of criticizing the extremists on the left is growing. They are trying to kill people now. It's like criticizing the Camorra in Naples or the Cosa Nostra in Sicily. It can be hazardous to your health.

Right-wing activist beaten in Stockholm

Källa: Väst är bäst (gästinlägg)

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