Så den den som nu frågar sig det är den (svarta) journalisten Sorious Samura i utmärkta samhällsprogrammet Dispatches som finns på brittiska Channel 4.
Gruppvåldtäkt: Är det en rasfråga?
"In 1999 I witnessed a gang rape in Sierra Leone. I was forced to watch a group of rebel soldiers taking it in turns to rape a young girl in front of an audience of jeering men. It was the height of the civil conflict and rape had become a devastating weapon of war. When I moved to Britain I believed I had escaped such horrific sexual violence. As my Dispatches investigation tomorrow night shows, I was mistaken. Gang rape is happening here – and what I have found most disturbing as an African is that a disproportionate number of these attacks are being carried out by black or mixed-race young men.
Towards the end of last year, police and child welfare experts working on Channel 4's Street Weapons Commission told us of their concerns about gang rape. Then two big cases hit the headlines.
In December, nine schoolboys, some as young as 13 at the time of the attack, were convicted of raping a 14-year-old girl. She was dragged between tower blocks in Hackney where she was threatened with a knife, hit and raped during an ordeal that lasted an hour and a half – some of which was filmed on mobile phones.
In January, three men were convicted of gang raping a 16-year-old with learning disabilities for two hours before dousing her with caustic soda in an effort to get rid of the evidence."
"One of the few police forces to have begun recording the figures of reported gang rape is the Metropolitan Police. In 2008 alone, they received reports of 85 gang rapes."
"We tracked down 29 cases, from January 2006 to March 2009, in which a total of 92 young people were convicted of involvement in gang rape.
One fact stood out. Of those convicted, 66 were black or mixed race, 13 were white and the remainder were from other countries including Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya."
Läs mer på The Independent och håll ögonen öppna efter Channel4´s program, Dispatches: Rape in the City som sändes nu i veckan.
Dispatches: Rape In The City. Part 2 of 5
Dispatches: Rape In The City. Part 4 of 5
Dispatches: Rape In The City. Part 5 of 5
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Dispatches - Undercover Mosque (1 of 6)
För er som missat Dispatches - Undercover Mosque. Det är ett MÅSTE att se den. Här finns den i sex delar på YouTube. Den finns också i fullversion bland länkarna.
Detta händer NU i våra länder i Europa! Sprid detta och väck era vänner om ni bryr er om dem. Det är alltför många som är ovetande.
Dispatches - Undercover Mosque (3 of 6)
Dispatches - Undercover Mosque (4 of 6)
Dispatches - Undercover Mosque (5 of 6)

Källa: I mitt Sverige (importerat inlägg)
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