Islamisterna IHH planerar som bäst en ny ”Frihetsflotta”. Samtidigt ser IHH efterverkningarna världen runt med allehanda protester som en stor världspolitisk framgång, liksom Hamas-regeringen i Gaza.
-Vi hoppas att vara på väg inom ett par månader, med kanske omkring 50 fartyg, säger Mehmet Kaya, chef för den omstridda islamistiska turkiska ‘hjälporganisationen’ IHH:s verksamhet i Gazaremsan. Han säger också att cirka 5.000 frivilliga redan har anmält sig till flottan.
Utgångspunkten för Israel är att inte ge någon fri lejd sjövägen. Man vill inte riskera vapensmuggling med destination Hamas i Gaza. Iran, Libanon och Syrien är lierade med Hamas. Och dessa bistår gärna med vapen, pengar, logistik mm. Israel menar även att Iran redan smugglar in vapen.
Iran blandar sig i formellt
Iran Revolutionary Guards ready to escort Gaza ships
TEHRAN. Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards are ready to provide a military escort to cargo ships trying to break Israel’s blockade of Gaza, a representative of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Sunday.
”Iran’s Revolutionary Guards naval forces are fully prepared to escort the peace and freedom convoys to Gaza with all their powers and capabilities,” Ali Shirazi, Khamenei’s representative inside the Revolutionary Guards, was quoted as saying by the semi-official Mehr news agency.
Any intervention by the Iranian military would be considered highly provocative by Israel which accuses Iran of supplying weapons to Hamas, the Islamist movement which rules Gaza. The Guards, with their own navy, air force and command structure separate from the regular armed forces, are seen as fiercely loyal to the values of the Islamic Republic.
”If the Supreme Leader issues an order for this then the Revolutionary Guard naval forces will do their best to secure the ships,” Shirazi said. ”It is Iran’s duty to defend the innocent people of Gaza.”
Last Monday Israeli troops killed nine activists on board one ship in a convoy trying to deliver aid to Gaza, sparking international outrage, especially in Muslim countries. Another ship was boarded on Saturday and pro-Palestinian activists have promised more as they challenge the blockade imposed four years ago with the stated aim of stopping arms getting to Hamas. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel will continue to stop ships reaching the shore and creating ”an Iranian port in Gaza”, a reference to Iran’s support for Hamas.
Skadade israeliska kommandosoldater
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Källa: Politiskt Inkorrekt (medlem)
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