Antalet antisemitiska händelser i världen, från
vandalisering till mord, slog nya rekord 2009.
En nypublicerad rapport från det ansedda
konstaterar att antalet rapporterade händelser
nådde den högsta nivån sedan institutet började
sammmanställa internationell statistik för trettio
år sedan...
Robert Spencer ställer den mycket berättigade
frågan VARFÖR i en krönika...
"What could be the cause of this? A global surge in
neo-Nazism? Is the Ku Klux Klan conducting energetic
membership drives in Western Europe, where the
largest increase in anti-Semitic events occurred?
No. According to the report, the increase is largely
due to attacks from Muslims, who, the report says,
were enraged over Israel's Winter 2009 incursion
into Gaza. The Associated Press noted that "in
Western Europe, especially Britain and France …
protests and anger by Muslim residents boiled over
after Israel's invasion of Gaza in December 2008."
so presumably this "anger by Muslim residents"
so presumably this "anger by Muslim residents"
would not have "boiled over" if Israel had done
nothing to defend itself from the regular rocket
attacks coming from Gaza."
Rapporten ger mängder av exempel på hur den
islamistiska antisemitismen ökar:
In the Netherlands, for example, in cases of violence
or direct confrontation on the streets in which insults
were directed at a visibly Jewish person, the perpe-
trators were almost invariably identified as young
men of North African descent.
One of the victims, a visibly Jewish man, testified
that "when an Israeli military operation dominates
the headline, I am the first to notice it on the streets…
The verbal abuse hurled at me… is becoming more
severe and more regular."
"Their reasoning goes something like this: Israelis
are Jews," explained Menno ten Brink, a rabbi for
the liberal Jewish community in Amsterdam:
"Palestinians are Arabs, so we Moroccan 'Arabs'
in the Netherlands are going to take on Dutch Jews."
Protestors in anti-Israel rallies in Copenhagen shouted
"We want to kill all Jews, they have no right to exist."
För den som vill studera ämnet ytterligare finns det
mycket material från de senaste månadernas media-
debatt kring Sveriges Gaza, Malmö....
Läs också
Källa: Jihad i Malmö (medlem)
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