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lördag 17 oktober 2009

England: kommande demo för sharia-lagar – ursinniga britter kräver stopp

I slutet av oktober tänker islamisterna åter marschera i London för att kräva införande av sharialagar. Dessa skägg rör upp känslorna rejält.

FURIOUS opponents last night called for a mass rally by radical Muslims to be outlawed over fears it could spark violent clashes. There are concerns that the march by the fanatical group Islam4UK in favour of sharia law in Britain will spill over into bloodshed if it is allowed to go ahead.


The outcry follows the Daily Express revelations of the march yesterday and a poll in which 96 per cent of people said that they do not want sharia law in Britain. Members of Islam4UK are calling for it to be imposed here, and expect thousands of supporters to descend on London later this month.

Plans for the demonstration have been delivered to the Metropolitan Police. Up to 5,000 protestors could be marching to demand the controversial system. They want sharia law applied across the country – and their website shows London's Nelson's Column topped by a minaret.

Meetings are already being held by the Metropolitan Police to decide whether to police the event – although sources said an outright ban could only be made by the Home Office after an official request from the force. A police spokesman said: "We have to work within the law and will have to make an application to the Home Secretary to ban any rally. The Met has never banned a rally before. Even if it were to be banned that does not stop it from going ahead."

However, an overwhelming public reaction could yet force the march to be stopped. Thousands of readers contacted the Daily Express newsroom yesterday calling for the October 31 rally to be called off.

Matthew Forster, 39, said: "Yes, everyone has a right to express their views but this is clearly something the British public do not want and a rally with hundreds or thousands of extremist ­supporters is only going to cause trouble."

Tory MP Philip Davies said: "These marchers are inciting racial tensions by what they are doing. For that reason alone it is not wise for a march to take place."

Preacher Anjem Choudary, who is leading the march, said: "There is a large proportion of society who are ignorant of Islam and sharia. This march will be a good vehicle to engage the public."

Daily Express

Liknande i mars 2009, men betydligt mindre demo

Titta sedan i högerspalten. Mängder med videos från sista åren, bl a där rabiata muslimer lierade med vänsterfalanger går till attack.

Tomteskägget Anjem Choudary

Fler videos

Samtidigt kom igår Geert Wilders till England, inbjuden av en brittisk lord.

Tension was high as angry protests greeted a visit to the UK by a Dutch far-right MP. Around 40 Muslim demonstrators gathered near the Houses of Parliament as Geert Wilders arrived in central London.

Brandishing banners saying ”Shariah is the solution, freedom go to hell” and ”Geert Wilders deserves Islamic punishment”, the protesters were held back by police. Mr Wilders’ press conference was moved inside the Abbey Gardens building opposite the Houses of Parliament.

Held back by a police line, and surrounded by camera crews from around the world, they chanted slogans such as ”Sharia for the UK” and ”Freedom go to hell” and held up placards saying: ”Sharia for the Netherlands” and ”Islam will be superior”.

One protester, Sayful Islam, said they wanted to see Mr Wilders ”tried in an Islamic court” for ”insulting the Prophet”, adding: ”We need to put this dog on a leash”.

Abu Muaz, from Islam For UK, said: ”If I were to say some of the things he has said I would be arrested under the Terrorism Act. But because there is a war on Muslims he gets an easy ride..

Daily Express

Källa: Politiskt Inkorrekt (medlem)

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