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onsdag 9 september 2009

Yale University fegar – har tagit bort 12 Muhammedkarikatyrer från kommande bok

Yale University has removed cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) from an upcoming book about how they caused outrage across the Muslim world. The move drew criticism from prominent alumni and a national group of university professors, but Yale defended its move, citing fears of violence.

Yale University Press removed the 12 caricatures from the book The Cartoons That Shook the World by Brandeis University professor Jytte Klausen. The book is scheduled to be released next week. A Danish newspaper originally published the cartoons—including one depicting Mohammad wearing a bomb-shaped turban—in 2005. Other Western publications reprinted them. The following year, the cartoons triggered massive protests from mainly Muslim countries from around the world.

Gulf News
Mer om censuren

(PBUH) betyder Peace Be Upon Him – tillägget finns där eftersom Gulf News ingår i en (arabisk, saudi) muslimsk tidningkoncern.

Källa: Politiskt Inkorrekt (medlem)

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