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lördag 5 september 2009

Tal av Billström om ökat kvotflyktingmottagande

Den 25 augusti höll migrationsminister Tobias Billström tal på en konferens organiserad av ”Churches´ Commission for Migrants in Europe”. Konferensen hade underrubriken ”Towards the common EU Resettlement Scheme”. I sitt tal pläderade Billström för att EU inte bara ska dela upp asylsökande mellan sig så att trycket inte blir så stort på exempelvis Malta utan även ska söka sig utanför Europa för att hämta hit personer som annars aldrig skulle söka sig till Europa för att söka asyl.

Ur Billströms tal

the process of establishing an EU resettlement programme has started and will be prioritized during the Swedish Presidency of the EU.”

We are currently, in the EU, discussing how we can strengthen both the internal solidarity – in the form of a pilot project to relocate refugees from Malta to other EU Member States – and the external solidarity. The latter would be carried out through increased resettlement of refugees from third countries to the EU.

Sweden has accepted persons for organized resettlement since 1950 – in total tens of thousands of refugees. The size of our resettlement quota has varied over time. At present it amounts to 1 900 refugees per year.”

If all EU Member States could contribute to a common resettlement quota, we could increase the volumes, which are necessary in order for the quota to have a strategic impact.

Strategically used, pooled resettlement quotas could encourage countries of origin to accept the return of their citizens

Regeringen, Billstöms tal vid CCMEs konferens

Källa: Fria Nyheter (importerat inlägg)

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